Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October Was FULL of FUN!

October was a BLAST! We took a great field trip to Bull Bottom Farms in Duck Hill. We took a hayride, slid down a super slide, and swung on a rope swing. We also all got to pick out a pumpkin to bring home with us! 
We had our annual  PDS Hoe-Down and Bar-B-Que.  Mrs. Jackson taught us how to square dance, and we had a great time line dancing. Mrs. Burd's husband and sons served up some great bar-b-que.  The gym was packed with parents and grandparents, so we'll chalk it up as a huge success!
We have also really enjoyed having the athletes from Delta State reading to us each Friday. We've met some baseball, soccer, and softball players.
November is going to be busy, too.  Veteran's Day Chapel is always a very special time at PDS, and then we will have our own Thanksgiving feast on November 20.