Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving from PDS 5K. We really enjoyed singing for our guests at our Thanksgiving Feast. We were glad that our families could join us and celebrate this special time of the year. The chicken strips, macaroni and cheese, green beans, and rolls were a hit! We hope everyone had a great time!

Friday, November 15, 2013


Lucy Jennings is our STAR STUDENT this week. Lucy's parents are Jason and Laxey, and she has a brother, Rimmer, who is in the first grade at PDS. Lucy loves the beach, spaghetti, and the color pink. She is a good gymnast and her favorite animal is a horse. She likes her smile and loves her family! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Fall Hunting!

This afternoon we went outside and collected Fall leaves and acorns. The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed our extra time outside. Happy Fall, Y'all!🍁🍂


William Jeffreys is our latest STAR STUDENT. His parents are Todd and Mary Elizabeth, and he has twin siblings, Wrigjt and Margaret. His favorite foods are tacos and hamburgers, and his 3 favorite colors are orange, red, and yellow. He loves playing with Legos, and his favorite animal is a dog. He says that he is good at football, basketball, and soccer, and he loves Chicago and Chuck E. Cheese. The things he likes about himself are his red hair and his good memory.